BORN:  Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
EDUCATION: Visual Communications, Class 2006, The Altos de Chavón School of design.

Scholastic Press, Coca-Cola, Unicef, Frito Lays, Helados Bon, Periódico el día, Soluciones Scotiabank, Banco Popular, Banco BHD León, Juguetón, CCN, Nestle, Nesquik, Kit Kat, etc.

2006 – Present: Freelance illustrator and Designer
2018 –2022: Senior Art director, Grupo de Diseño República, Santo Domingo, D.R.

2011 – 2014: Art Director, Y&R Damaris, Santo Domingo, D.R.
2010 – 2011: Graphic Designer. Modafoca, Santo Domingo, D.R.
2008 – 2010: Art Director, Partners Ogilvy, Santo Domingo, D.R.


2018: Flores de Fuego, Curated by Jorge Gonzalez. Santo Domingo, D.R.
2011: Señas, Centro Cultural de España. Santo Domingo, D.R.
2010: Criollos, Arte en la Ciudad. Urban Art Project. Santo Domingo, D.R.
2010: T-shirt Cultura. Centro Cultural de España. Santo Domingo, D.R.
2009: Wallride, MDFC Gallery. Santo Domingo, D.R.

2014 – 2018: Continued education Program, The Altos de Chavón School of design, (Intro to Adobe Illustrator, Digital Illustration) 
2014 – 2018: Chavón teens and Kids program, The Altos de Chavón School of design, Campus Santo Domingo, D.R.
2013: Ilustra tus botones (Illustrate your pins), Kids Workshop, Centro Cultural de España. Santo Domingo, D.R.
2013: Painting with fruits, Kids workshop, Centro Cultural de España. Santo Domingo, D.R.
2013: Kaleidoscope, Kids workshop, Centro Cultural de España. Santo Domingo, D.R.